A Brief History
It was in the first few months of 1999 when Diana Brown, an actor and producer met Cary Silberman, another actor (and stand-up comedian) while working a day job.
They got to talking about life and improv comedy- which are a lot alike: 1) you make it up as you go along based on suggestions, 2) you better think quick or you'll miss an opportunity
and 3) sometimes Fate lends a hand.
"I used to be a lawyer," said Cary. He soon discovered, however, he had a performer's heart. He got some suggestions and ran with them. "I've always wanted to combine law and improv- but I don't know any people to form a group".
"Hmmm. Let me make some calls," said Diana, thinking quickly.
Fate chuckled silently to herself.
The first person Diana called was writer/producer Barry Weir. They had been members of an improv and sketch comedy troupe called the Pros From Dover for many years. Barry liked the idea, and said: "Count me in".
Diana next called up another Pro From Dover- Howard Stone. Howard was your basic busy renaissance man: stand-up comedian, graphic artist, web designer and father of two. Howard was in, too- as long as he could get a sitter...
But, more were needed. Diana flipped the pages of her magic address book. Glenn Havlan (actor and musician), Mark Sargent (singer, songwriter & self-described ‘boozy hellion') and ‘Drew Todd (actor, dancer and voted ‘Most Moral' by the group) heeded the call to arms.
A funny fighting force of extraordinary, multi-talented magnitude was soon created. They knew one thing was certain- seven people with no director: the name of the troupe would have to be "Justice 4 None"! With the team assembled, one question remained: exactly HOW does one combine the law and improv?!
The question was answered over the next few months of weekly rehearsals and meetings. Improv games were played, courtroom procedures, protocols and terminology were learned, coffee was sipped and cookies were eaten. Soon, a format combining "pull-a-card-from-a-hat" technology with good ol' fashion audience suggestions was created.
Since nobody lynched them after the first show and, indeed, other gigs followed- the format was a success! This brings us to the present. But what will the future hold for Justice 4 None?
Stay tuned!